For teachers
GR-2007-028-00130 MARS 2007 : CRADLE OF THE EUROPEAN CULTURE.FROM THE ANTIQUITY UP TO THE RECENT TIMES31 MAY 2007 Start date: 10/11/2007 - End date: 17/11/200730 MARS 2007
EUROPEAN COMMISSIONIf you already know the title or the reference number of the course you are looking for, you can enter this in the related field and go directly to the course details. Otherwise, you can search by training theme, date, target audience, language used, etc. It is not necessary to complete all these fields before searching. Note that fewer search criteria means more results!
Once you have selected a training event, either from this database or from elsewhere, contact the training organiser to check that places are still available. If you are applying for a Grundtvig grant, you will need to enclose confirmation of your provisional registration for the training with your grant application. If the organiser requires payment of a pre-registration fee, you should be aware that you will have to cover this cost yourself if your National Agency does not award you a grant.
Send your grant application form to your National Agency.
Your National Agency will inform you if you have been awarded a grant.
You should then immediately contact the training provider to formally register for the course or to confirm your pre-registration. If you have not been awarded a grant but made a pre-registration, it is your responsibility to cancel this.
From the moment your National Agency confirms that you have been awarded a grant, you have responsibilities towards the training provider. If you cancel your attendance at the event, you will be responsible for paying any cancellation fees which the training provider may claim. Only in very exceptional cases of force majeure (e.g. serious illness or death of the grant applicant or a family member) may your National Agency pay cancellation fees using grant money.
If the training organiser cancels the training at short notice, you may ask him/her for compensation if you have already incurred costs e.g. travel tickets which cannot be cancelled or changed. Neither your National Agency nor the European Commission can be liable. However, in justified cases your National Agency may decide to cover these costs using the grant awarded. If your training event is cancelled, your National Agency may give you the opportunity to select another one (contact your Agency for further details).
At the end of the training event, the organisers must hold an evaluation session. Your opinion on the quality of the training is important; training which is considered to be of poor quality will be further investigated by the National Agency of the training provider and may be removed from the database.
Should you need any further information, please contact your National Agency.