Task 4.1

task 4.1
από ΘΩΜΑΗ ΓΑΜΒΡΕΛΛΗ - Τρίτη, 3 Νοέμβριος 2015, 8:44 μμ

I will interview my friend’s dyslexic son because the dyslexic student at my school was reluctant to participate in this task.

I will use the questions of the model interview more or less and I will add the following as well :

 1. Would you find it more productive if your teacher used a multisensory approach to teaching? eg.  teach new structures -vocabulary with computer assistance  //  record the new text to be taught or dramatise it // use colorful markers when writing on the board

2. Would peer-mediated learning be of any help ? for instance would you like your teacher to pair you with a different ability peer to review your notes , study for a test or read aloud to each other ?