Κοινωνική Ομάδα Συζητήσεων

Η ίδρυση, η εξέλιξη και ο εκχριστιανισμός του Ρωσικού Κράτους (page 43)
by ΧΑΡΙΛΑΟΣ ΔΟΛΓΥΡΑΣ - Σάββατο, 23 Απρίλιος 2022, 4:33 μμ

Η διαμόρφωση του έθνους των Ρώσων, ηγεμονία του Κιέβου, εκστρατείες, εμπορικές συνθήκες, εκχριστιανισμός των Ρώσων.

Φύση του ρωσοβυζαντινού εμπορίου
by ΧΑΡΙΛΑΟΣ ΔΟΛΓΥΡΑΣ - Τετάρτη, 4 Φεβρουάριος 2015, 8:42 πμ

As to the nature of the Russo-Byzantine trade of the time, the Russian chronicle confines itself to the statement that Oleg brought home from Constantinople ‘gold, silk, fabrics, fruit, wine and all manner of finery’. Except for gold, which was doubtless exacted as the price for a partial victory, the other commodities were indeed the staple articles of Byzantine export to Russia and other countries of Eastern Europe. All of them articles of luxury, they were intended for the ruling classes of these lands who had learned to appreciate the sartorial and culinary delights of Byzantine civilisation. The nature of the goods shipped from Russia to Constantinople is known from other sources: they included slaves, as well as furs (beaver, sable, ermine, black fox and squirrel), wax and honey.

Η κατάληψη της Χερσώνας και ο εκχριστιανισμός των Ρώσων
by ΧΑΡΙΛΑΟΣ ΔΟΛΓΥΡΑΣ - Τετάρτη, 4 Φεβρουάριος 2015, 8:52 πμ

“Behold, I have captured your glorious city. I have also heard that you have an unwedded sister. Unless you give her to me to wife, I shall deal with your own city as I have with Kherson.”