Κοινωνική Ομάδα Συζητήσεων

Ο Φιλόθεος από το Πσκόφ προς το Βασίλειο, μεγάλο ηγεμόνα της Μόσχας (1503-1533)
από ΧΑΡΙΛΑΟΣ ΔΟΛΓΥΡΑΣ - Παρασκευή, 6 Μάρτιος 2015, 7:19 πμ

I wish to add a few words on the present Orthodox Empire of оur ruler: he is on earth the sole Emperor (Tsar) of the Christians, the leader of the Apostolic Church which stands no longer Rome or in Constantinople, but in the blessed city of Moscow. She alone shines in the whole world brighter than the sun.… All Christian Empires are fallen and in their stead stands alone the Empire of our ruler in accordance with the Prophetical books. Two Romes have fallen, but the third stands and a fourth there will not be