Task 2.2

Φωτογραφία Ευαγγελία Γκαντίδου Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Καβάλας ΠΕ06

TASK  2.2              Eυαγγελία  Παλλάδα

         If  I had to think about students Ι have already had in my classes who exhibited any of the SpLDs’ characteristics, I would definitely bring many things on my mind . I would remember the anxiety, agony and frustration of many of them while trying to understand what was being said and taught, the great effort of some of them to deal with or complete tasks, the unexpressing eyes of others, full of questions  OR  the indifference , the giving up of some others  .

        I would also remember  some of the rest of the Sts making fun of Sts with SpLDs, calling them names (‘’stupid’’, ‘’lazy’’, ‘’weird’’, ‘’slow’’, ‘’τελευταίος’’ etc ), not being kind enough to ‘’wait for’’ them, not wanting them in their games/the same team (dyspraxia), making them the class ‘’clown’’ (ADHD) or feeling sorry for them!

        Moreover, I would remember my disappointment  when  I was not able to help them with their academic progress and definitely my lack of understanding! Sometimes I might even give up on them in my effort to continue with the rest of the class.

        Now I can understand to an extent how bad and uncomfortable these Sts might have felt. All this situation might have hurt their feelings,  discouraged them from trying and made them want to give up. I believe that now I can understand better what specific learning difficulties these Sts face, what is happening with their mind/hand/perception etc and  I appreciate them even more for their big effort. I am sure that from now on I will observe all my Sts’ effort more closely, especially the weaker ones to try and evaluate if there is a SpLD and definitely have a timely and honest communication with the parents, presenting them my observations and suggesting that they should consult a specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Because Sts with SpLDs can be enormously helped if treated/instructed appropriately and on time.

Φωτογραφία Ευαγγελία Γκαντίδου Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Καβάλας ΠΕ06

Thank you for sharing your experience(s) and feelings Evangelia. Since you teach Lykeio students, there is little (or no) hope for intervention results if these children weren't diagnosed at early age. The earlier the diagnosis and the intervention , the better the results. Hopefully, this course will sensitize us and enable us work with these children in  a more meaningful way.