Task 2.2

Μαρία Ταουκτσή
από ΜΑΡΙΑ ΤΑΟΥΚΤΣΗ - Κυριακή, 11 Οκτώβριος 2015, 11:37 πμ

Looking back, I can recall many cases of students, either my classmates when I went to school or the students I have taught, that exibited some of SpLDs characteristics. In most of these cases, everybody's initial thought (mine included) was that these students were weak, indifferent and did not put much effort into learning. Their peers used to laugh at them as they thought that they were lazy or even "dummies".

That reaction made them more frustrated, isolated and occasionally aggressive. As they couldn't impress others with their academic achievement, they became naughty, undisciplined and disruptive. That was a vicious cycle with a negative impact on the class as a whole.

Knowing more about SpLDs  now, I think there is one thing I should have done differently: be more patient with them and try to see the world through their eyes.

Φωτογραφία Ευαγγελία Γκαντίδου Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Καβάλας ΠΕ06
Απάντηση: Μαρία Ταουκτσή

I couldn't agree more! That's me as well!