Task 2.2

Ξάνθου Μαριάνθη
από ΜΑΡΙΑΝΘΗ ΞΑΝΘΟΥ - Κυριακή, 11 Οκτώβριος 2015, 5:35 μμ

Little did we know when I was a student about SpLDs and the difficulties these kids were facing, struggling every single day to “survive” at school.  I suppose that time, our teachers were also in the dark as I can clearly remember that their reactions to those students’ behavior and learning abilities, were almost the same we had as their classmates. Mainly, we thought of them as being indifferent, lazy or even stupid. That really didn’t help. They  were frustrated and  either became isolated or more aggressive.

Things are different nowdays as we have done a lot of talking about SpLDs and awareness  has risen.  Noone could argue that teaching children with SpLDs is easier said than done, but I feel that  knowing more about it now, I will avoid making the same mistakes I did before!

 I’ll try to create a safe class environment for them, make sure they have everybody’s respect .Be more patient and sympathetic  and make efforts for them to believe that if they have the help they need and keep trying  they can really make it!

Φωτογραφία Ευαγγελία Γκαντίδου Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Καβάλας ΠΕ06
Απάντηση: Ξάνθου Μαριάνθη

It is very important that you are stressing  the emotional - psychological dimension in the case of children with SPLDs. It is very important as unattended SPLD conditions can negatively affect self esteem and self image  and, consequently, influence individuals' personal as well as professional life in the future. Which doe not academic success is not the only important thing in school life; safety, development of a sense of acievement and ultimately feeling good about oneself are equally important.