Task 2.2

Αναστασία Εσιρπέογλου
από ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΕΣΙΡΠΕΟΓΛΟΥ - Κυριακή, 11 Οκτώβριος 2015, 8:37 μμ

The first time I had to teach in a class where there was a student with Asperger's Syndrom was really challenging. I was informed about the student by his teacher, as well as his mother. At first I was worried what to do in case of a criris. What if the student was aggresive or self distructive? What if he took up most of my time, at the expense of other students? In fact everything turned out fine. Of course I had to deal with problems, such as sudden bursts of crying for diferent reasons or for no reason at all. Of course his peers were tired of his reactions and even jealous because he got extra attention. But teaching this bright,sensitive, gifted student was an unbelievably rewarding experience! It made me realise how intriguing it may be when you have to teach students with SpLD!

Φωτογραφία Ευαγγελία Γκαντίδου Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Καβάλας ΠΕ06
Απάντηση: Αναστασία Εσιρπέογλου

True! But , unfortunately, this is not the case most of the times. We usually have large classes, little time and these children need special attention. As we  see later, inclusion, if applied the right way, is the most appropriate policy. It is nice though whether we, teachers, manage to overcome the feeling of frustration when dealing with these students and try to unveil their strengths. Sadly, our educational system does not help.