Task 4.1

Φωτογραφία Ελένη Αλιατάκη
Eleni Aliataki
από Ελένη Αλιατάκη - Παρασκευή, 23 Οκτώβριος 2015, 5:32 μμ
  1. Do you experience any difficulties in learning your native language?  What kind?
  2. Do you experience any difficulties in learning a foreign language? What kind?
  3. Do you find it easy or difficult to understand what is spoken in the class?
  4. Do you find it easy or difficult to repeat after the teacher accurately?
  5. Do you find it easy or difficult to discriminate between similar sounding words?
  6. How easy do you find it to participate in an oral exchange or answer oral questions?
  7. How easy do you find it to read aloud?
  8. Do you experience any difficulties comprehending written texts?
  9. What kind of difficulties do you encounter?
  10. When writing in the foreign language what kind of difficulties do you experience?
  11. What kind of writing tasks do you find easy to organize and complete  ?
  12. What do you find most challenging when completing a writing task? Spelling, punctuation, grammar (e.g. using the right tenses, pronouns…) or syntax (putting words in the correct order)?
  13. Do you experience difficulties learning new vocabulary?
  14. Do you find it easy to recognize or retrieve familiar words?
  15. Do you find it easy or difficult to learn and apply grammar rules?
  16. Do you find it easier to learn something new individually or in a group?
  17. Which of the following learning activities do you find most helpful?
    1. audio tape, discussion   b. presentations, diagrams   c. using  games, role play
Φωτογραφία Ευαγγελία Γκαντίδου Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Καβάλας ΠΕ06
Απάντηση: Eleni Aliataki


I believe that you need to ask general questions and have certain prompts in mind.

For example:


What do you find most challenging when completing a writing task?


spelling, punctuation, grammar (e.g. using the right tenses, pronouns…) or syntax (putting words in the correct order)?

Another example is question 14

It may not be necessary to be asked as it may be answered in 13. It can be used as a prompt.