Task 4.1

Ξάνθου Μαριάνθη
από ΜΑΡΙΑΝΘΗ ΞΑΝΘΟΥ - Κυριακή, 25 Οκτώβριος 2015, 7:40 μμ


  1. What is your biggest difficulty in learning a foreign language?
  2. Do you have difficulty in learning the pronunciation of new words?
  3. Do you have difficulty in learning and remembering the sounds of the consonants and distinguishing the different sounds of vowels?
  4. Do you confuse the meaning of the words that sound familiar?
  5.  Do you have difficulty in spelling words?
  6. Do you find your reading in a foreign language slow? Difficult?
  7. Do you find reading in a foreign language takes you longer than other learners?
  8. Do you find difficulties in applying the new grammar rules you learn?
  9. Is it easy or difficult to select the correct ending for a verb related to the subject of the sentence?
  10. Is it easy or difficult to match the correct masculine or feminine pronoun with a noun?
  11. Do you think it is easier to find gender and subject/verb agreement when I use color coded endings?
  12. Can you place the adjective/adverb in the proper order in a spoken or written sentence?
  13. Do you prefer guided pair or group work activities to practice?
  14. Can you stay focus when we have listening activities in classroom?
  15.  Do you find songs helpful when you have to learn new words/phrases?
  16.  Do you need extra time when we write dictation or tests?
  17.  Is it important for you to get explicit instructions on your native language when you have exercises for homework?
Φωτογραφία Ευαγγελία Γκαντίδου Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Καβάλας ΠΕ06
Απάντηση: Ξάνθου Μαριάνθη

Thank you Marianthi. Some comments:

6 is a leading question. I think you should ask something more general. I also think that 8 , 9 , 10 and 11 should be combined in one question about grammar.  If you need any prompts, then you can use them. 16 is also tricky. Let them tell you what they think or need.