Task 5.1

από ΕΥΑΓΓΕΛΙΑ ΠΑΛΛΑΔΑ - Τρίτη, 3 Νοέμβριος 2015, 7:30 πμ

Most of them may seem unfeasible in Lykeio if you consider the higher level of the material taught or dealt with and the requirements this phase of education sets,especially if no appropriate work has been done at earlier stages! In addition other discouraging factors that would make accommodation of Dyslexia Sts difficult are :1) the large number of students in the classroom whose needs,interests and mixed abilities have to be catered for 2) the pressure for coverage  a decent amount of material 3) the many distracting factors in the classroom 4) the Teachers' work burden apart from teaching 5) the limited time or teaching hours of English in secondary school.

For example,unfeasible strategies in Lykeio are:a) the use of computers or portable media players by the Sts b) the systematic teaching of reading starting from phonemes/morphemes c) there is no provision of chalkboards which would help some Sts 4) regular adaptation of texts/activities/presentations/instructions.

However,I am convinced that there are a number of ways that you can implement if you try a bit.Some accommodating ideas:1)smaller amount of work for SpLDs Sts,with adjusted,smaller assignments and to-the-point explicit tasks that are easily completed , so that they don't feel anxious or get discouraged.Early success helps Sts begin to work and show what they know!If we do something,it is better than nothing! 2) peer-teaching activities,glossary of content-related terms 3) change the response mode (not handwriting/copying, but underlining, multiple choices,sorting/marking 4)daily review,visual presentations,display work samples etc. One thing at a time!! Realistic expectations!!


(Επεξεργασμένο από Ευαγγελία Γκαντίδου Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Καβάλας ΠΕ06 - αρχική υποβολή Σάββατο, 31 Οκτώβριος 2015, 7:04 πμ)

Φωτογραφία Ευαγγελία Γκαντίδου Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Καβάλας ΠΕ06

Thank you Evangelia.

Your suggestions can ,really, be very helpful. However, there is an issue with Lykeio students. If there is no early intervention little can be done in Lykeio. Unfortunately, and I am not happy to say this, undiagnosed students  and/or students who received no early intervention are "lost cases" in FL at school. Sad but true.

As mentioned many times before, we have not received any special training for dyslexic students. But by the time we start thinking about ways of helping them we can gradually build up special materials for them. So, within the years we will have a file of materials that aloow us involve these students in the educational process as much as possible.