Task 5.1

από ΑΝΑΣΤΑΣΙΑ ΕΣΙΡΠΕΟΓΛΟΥ - Κυριακή, 1 Νοέμβριος 2015, 8:41 μμ

In order for learners with specific educational needs to benefit from the educational experiences and opportunities available to the majority of learners some adaptations need to be made which can be implemented in the foreign language classroon aswell. This is the concept of inclusive education.Going through the suggestions of the different ways a teacher can accomodate learners with dyslexia I find most of them extremely useful. For example the use of technological devices, simplified directions, reduced amount of work, balance in the activities between oral,visual and participatory activities, peer-mediated learning, where peers can provide help and support during classwork, maintenance of daily routines and hierarchical worksheets moving from simple to more complex. I don't think any of the suggestions are implausible or unfeasible, of course they require a lot of extra work on the part of the teacher, who can receive as reward the satisfaction of having helped a student who probably has been trying really hard to learn a foreign language but with very poor results.Some are more appropriate for secondary level students, like the use of a glossary or graphic organisers. Finally I would never give a student with dyslexia additional practice activities. School is already too hard for them! 

Φωτογραφία Ευαγγελία Γκαντίδου Σχολικός Σύμβουλος Καβάλας ΠΕ06

Well, it DOES need a lot of extra work and the danger of "burn out" is at the corner. As far as "extra work" is concerned what I understand is simplified work tailored to the learner's needs. The ideal situation would be the cooperation with a specialist. ΚΕΔΔΥ or some speech therapist who works with the learner outside school.